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Fellow Ode Coffee Grinder Review

Fellow Ode Coffee Grinder Review

The Fellow Ode Brew Grinder is a remarkable feat in the world of professional-grade at-home coffee grinders, and we have a firsthand review of it to help you decide if it’s the right grinder for your brewing needs.

There are three components that make up the perfect coffee product (or at least that’s how it is in my book). The big three are aesthetics, accuracy, and affordability. And it comes as no surprise that Fellow has done it again. 

Fellow Ode Brew Grinder Brew

A Little Bit About Fellow Products

Before our Fellow Ode Grinder review, it’s important to introduce you to Fellow as a company. 

Fellow Ode Brew Grinder Black

Fellow sells everything coffee-related from grinders to brewing products to coffee storage. They have their flagship retail store in San Francisco, California, which is also where they hold their “playground.” This is the space they use to invite customers to come in, use their products to brew a cup of coffee, and ask any coffee-related question that comes to mind.

And it’s not just the playground that makes Fellow stand out from the crowd. Their at-home brewing products are truly top-of-the line and unique in appearance and usability.

Among some of our favorite Fellow products at French Press are the Fellow Stagg Pour Over Kettle, the Fellow Joey Double Wall Ceramic Mugs, and the Fellow Carter Everywhere Mug

Fellow may be best known for their aesthetically-pleasing travel mugs and hot water gooseneck kettles, but we were absolutely floored by the precision and innovation of their new Ode Brewing Grinder.

So, What is the Fellow Ode?

Fellow Ode Grinder Review

The Fellow Ode Grinder is one of the most exciting new at-home grinders on the market, and you don’t have to take it from me. Back in March of 2021, this grinder was awarded the Best New Coffee Product of the year by the Specialty Coffee Association, which is an incredibly prestigious award to receive.

According to the Fellow website, the Ode is referred to as “the missing link, found.” This grinder was created and labored over in a lab with a budget of over $1,200,000, which was raised by Fellow fans on a kickstarter. 

Knowing this information, it becomes easier to believe that this grinder could possibly be the best product Fellow has released thus far. 

Some of our favorite things about the Ode Coffee Grinder

So now that we know a little bit more about where the Ode grinder comes from, let’s get into the nitty gritty details of what makes this grinder special. Here are some of the things I really love about the Ode:

Beautiful aesthetics

Fellow Ode Coffee Grinder Review

Right off the bat, this grinder is by far the only one I would want on my kitchen counter when it comes to aesthetics. Fellow effortlessly achieves the sleek, minimal look in all of their products, and they didn’t disappoint with their grinder. 

I really loved the uniformity of the matte black throughout the grinder, as well as the smaller size. Its dimensions are 9.4″ x 4.2″ x 9.5″, which is smaller than a lot of its competitors and perfect for any type of counter space.

A quiet grinder

The New Fellow Ode Brew Grinder

Ahh, finally a grinder I don’t feel bad using while my roommate is still fast asleep. For someone like me who starts her work day at 7:30 sharp, I still want to be able to enjoy a deliciously fresh cup of coffee every morning, without disturbing the whole house. So this may be one of my favorite features.

According to Fellow’s website, they designed this grinder with “quietness in mind,” which they say is due to the higher-quality materials used in the design.

Amazing grind quality

Fellow Ode Brew Grinder Grind

I love the grind consistency of this burr grinder, which is due mainly to the 64 mm professional-grade stainless steel burrs inside.

When it comes to burr size, it’s usually the larger the burr diameter, the better. A larger burr, like the 64 mm, has to rotate fewer times to grind the coffee beans. This results in a faster, more precise grind as opposed to the smaller burr that would have to spin many more times to grind the same amount of coffee.

The stainless steel burrs are also durable and long-lasting, which is comforting to know when you’re investing in an at-home grinder. 

Grinds knocker-always clean and never any waste

Fellow Ode Brew Grinder Single Dose

Another amazing thing about the Ode grinder is that there’s hardly any coffee wasted in the end, and very little to clean up! 

Fellow accomplishes this with two main components: an innovative type of grounds catcher and a high-quality grinds knocker. What sets their grounds catcher apart from other grinders is the fact that it’s magnetized, so the coffee goes straight into the catcher without any mess.

Fellow Ode Brew Grinder Smart Speen Motor

And once you’re done grinding you can use the forceful grinds knocker to make sure all of the grounds are in the catcher to avoid any waste!

Can easily adjust your grind settings

Ode Brew Grinder

We love that you can use the Fellow Ode for many different types of brewing methods, from a smooth v60 pour over to a bold cup of french press coffee or refreshing cold brew, you can find the perfect setting.

Fellow Ode Brew Grinder Smart Speen Motor

The Ode comes with 11 macro settings, and 31 micro settings, meaning steps in between the macro notches. What’s even better is that it’s extremely easy to change the settings by just turning the knob to the correct one. The macro settings are labeled by number with 1 being finest and 11 being coarsest, and the micro settings are just notches in between each one. 

How to use the Fellow Ode Coffee Grinder

Ode Brew Grinder - Fellow Products

There really is nothing complicated about using the Fellow Ode Grinder. This professional-quality grinder has been designed for at-home users to be able to easily enjoy a cup of delicious craft coffee in the morning, and it’s exactly that.

Once you have your favorite whole bean coffee chosen and weighed out (we recommend storing your coffee in this Fellow Vacuum Canister and weighing your portions with the OXO Scale), you can load the beans into the top-loading bean hopper. 

Once you’ve loaded the coffee beans, next you’ll just have to set the grind adjustment. This always takes some getting used to, as it really depends on your taste, the coffee beans you choose, and the brewing method.

Fellow Ode Brew Grinder with Coffee

Once you’ve chosen the setting, it’s really just a matter of pressing the on/off button on the bottom right of the grinder! And voila, your grounds will shoot into the magnetized catcher and you’ll have coffee freshly ground to perfection!

The Conclusion

Fellow Ode Brew Grinder

Our final thought is that buying the Fellow Ode Brew Grinder is an excellent choice if you’re looking to level up on your at-home coffee brewing routine. 

The only reason we would recommend not trying something else is if you make espresso often, as this grinder is better fit for pour over, drip, cold brew, and french press.

We truly believe in the Fellow Ode, and at $299.00, it’s definitely a worthwhile investment for coffee lovers.

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