OXO Coffee Grinder, Conical Burr, 15 Precise Settings from Fine to Coarse
- 1-5= fine (for espresso)
- 6-10=medium (for pour-over/drip coffee)
- 11-15=coarse (for French press/cold brew)
OXO Brew Conical Burr Coffee Grinder Review
OXO Brew Conical Burr Coffee Grinder
The OXO coffee grinder is an automatic conical burr coffee grinder that will give you cafe-quality accuracy at a price that all beginner coffee lovers will appreciate.
You can wake up each morning to any type of coffee you’d like with the OXO brew conical burr coffee grinder.

Let’s face it. You can’t achieve your best cup of coffee without a great coffee bean grinder, even if you have an excellent coffee brewer.
Many people invest all of their money into buying the fanciest, most expensive coffee maker they can find, only to completely ignore the foundational step of having an accurate grinder.

The OXO Brew Conical Burr Coffee Grinder gets its grinding consistency and large grind size range from its durable stainless steel burr set.
Burrs, which are designed differently than blades, deliver a more accurate and consistent grind throughout. Burr grinders also waste less coffee because fewer beans fall through the cracks. Because of these valuable differences, burr grinders are almost always more expensive than a blade grinder.

With that being said, the OXO grinder is a more affordable option when compared to other popular burr grinders on the market today. Those can commonly run around $150-$200, but you can enjoy the OXO conical burr coffee grinder for just over $100.
As if the durability, accuracy, and affordable price wasn’t enough to convince you, the OXO conical burr grinder is also extremely easy to use. With just one quick movement, you can adjust the grind from french press to espresso.
Not only that, but the OXO burr grinder comes with a built-in timer that allows you to save even more time every morning.
OXO Coffee Grinder Features:
Simple design

The simple design of the OXO coffee grinder is what sets it apart from the rest. Not only does its small, minimalist appearance fit in with any kitchen countertop design, but its simplicity makes it easy for anyone to navigate. No one wants to fumble around in the early morning hours trying to decode a complicated grinder, and with the OXO, you’ll never have to. Everything you need happens with either just a turn of the dial or push of the button.
Durable stainless steel burrs

The stainless steel conical burrs create a uniform grind with every single use.
These burrs work tirelessly and let no coffee beans slip through the cracks. So you'll not only have delicious tasting coffee every time, but none of it will go to waste.
Affordable price

The price of the OXO coffee grinder is remarkably affordable to compared to its competitors on the market today. You'll save yourself anywhere between $50 to $100 by choosing this grinder and you won't have to compromise the quality of your experience.
38 accurate grind settings

The OXO burr grinder comes with 38 grind settings, from fine for espresso to coarse for french press. You can even use this grinder for your favorite cup of refreshing cold brew in the summer time. There's truly no type of coffee the OXO can't help produce.